Gravatar - Your Solution to Your Branding in Blogging Comments

Gravatar – Your Solution to Your Branding in Blogging Comments

Gravatar If you have a website online and it is using the most popular blogging platform, WordPress, then chances are you are wondering how people are commenting on your posts and their icon is displaying with their comments.

The answer is Gravatar. All you need to do is go to Gravatar and setup an account with your primary email address that you use to setup your websites, comment on other people’s content, etc.

Once you setup your Gravatar image on the email address you use to comment on other people’s blogs, you’ll notice that your image will suddenly appear! Now, any service that uses Gravatar to pull in avatar images will show your icon!

What is Gravatar?

A Gravatar is a Globally Recognized Avatar. You upload it and create your profile just once, and then when you participate in any Gravatar-enabled site, your image will automatically display in those locations. The Gravatar service is completely free to use. No catches, no excuses, no fluff, there is no reason not to setup your Gravatar today.

This site supports Gravatar natively, so if you look through the comments on our Google Plus Guide, you’ll see a ton of comments with images. These people were smart to setup a Gravatar because it catches the eye. You should setup yours immediately!

How to Setup Gravatar

The process is extremely easy.

  1. Click here to go to Gravatar.
  2. Insert the email address you use to comment on blogs with.
  3. Insert a password
  4. Verify your email address.
  5. Click “Add one by clicking here” to the error you don’t have an image setup yet.
  6. Gravatar Upload
  7. Click one of the options above (on their website, not here) and follow the instructions.
  8. Select which rating your image is. For most, you’ll use the “G” rating.
  9. Done!

Now, whenever you comment on other people’s blogs, WordPress powered websites, and on any other site that is powered by Gravatar avatar technology, your image will appear!

About Scott Buehler

Scott is the owner and founder of Top Five Advisor. He specializes in business to business products and services. He offers digital marketing services to any local business that wants to drive traffic and customers from the Internet including search, pay per click and social media marketing. This page is maintained by Scott Buehler.

Nathan - March 13, 2014

It seems like a pretty easy manner, I will be trying it soon

paul dooley - November 24, 2014

I joined both Gravatar and Disqus many moons ago primarily for my nevertheless blog. The commenting system and Gravatar worked fine for a couple of years and then about 2 years ago something beyond my window of understanding changed. I tried more than a few times to sort the issue out with Disqus until they gave up communicating with me.

If and when as so many people who commented on my blog didn’t have a profile of any discernible recognition than either Disqus or Gravatar or both in collusion inserted my new Gravatar image in the place of the commenters non existing profile. This gives the rather embarrassing illusion that I’m talking to myself!

For example

    Scott Buehler - November 26, 2014

    Interesting Paul, I’m not familiar with Disqus, but it appears as though Disqus is using a default image for people that don’t have an assigned avatar.